Murray Hill's Blog Spot

Welcome all exotic wildlife fans. With emphisis on elephants. ALL comments pro and con are welcome. Maybe with different views, we can all come to a concluion as to what will be best for the exotic animals and the human animals.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Dutchess and Tori

Having fun while I was in hidding with them.

My Right Hand and her Friend

The very 1st EMA Logo

Sabu Moreau 1957 or 1958

All these say is Bella age 1 1/2

Don't know which Bella or who sent them to me.

More photos found and help needed to identify

All this one says on the back is ...Vasha 8/89

More photos found and help needed to identify

More photos found and help needed to identify..... All it says on these is Beau....

Do you know who this elephant is?

Found these photos in a box and don't know what elephant it is. Email me if you know who it is.